Dec Barry
With over 40 years of experience and practice, Dec takes life and yoga seriously, but likes to have fun and enjoy the journey at the same time! Dec first discovered yoga in Ireland, and his yoga journey has brought him to study with senior yoga teachers all over the United States as well as on to India, to study with Yoga Master Sri BKS Iyengar and his family. Dec has also studied extensively with Yogarupa Rod Stryker since 2008. Dec is also certified and works with clients with Thai Yoga Bodywork.
For Dec, working with clients is about increasing their joy, awareness and consciousness, bringing more depth and meaning to life, breaking down the blockages and so being able to gain more vitality so we can be fully alive, and able to fully pursue one’s dharma, one’s true purpose in life and to recognize one’s true self. Dec’s style recognizes the overall goal of yoga, self realization, rather than a routine of physical poses or movements and he works with clients to undo physical imbalances and improve physical health or to gain clarity, emotionally and mentally. With over 40 years of consistent study, his knowledge of the subject of Yoga is vast. In his work he strives to integrate mind and body and spirit.
Wellness, wholeness, openness, and living from the heart are at the core of his work.